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      Since Sarah often finds herself taking her work home, she recently invested in a new computer system for her house. Run these once a month to keep your system running smooth.every 6 months, go to your local big box retailer like Best Buy or Walmart & invest in a can of CO2 spray.in fact, computers can get costly if they aren t taken care of the right way. Besides being faster at starting up & shutting down, Sarah also finds that the new hardware even looks better than her old computer from just 5 years ago..

    . Start saving money on printer ink refills. If you are using a Windows machine, try pressing Start > Accessories > and then locate your Disk Clean up & Disk Defragmenting utilities. Take a look at just how much junk has built up in your machine due to regular use.. Sarah works a regular job as an administrative assistant from 9 5 & she sometimes likes to print out articles & news clippings that she finds on the internet. But, watch out all sorts of dust & particles will blow everywhere around you.. socks machine china Now, spray the inside of your computer with the CO2. Here are 3 tips to help Sarah (and you) save money on your computer expenses. Next, take your computer outside & open up the box.

      Toner cartridge refills are available for just about every major printer on the market.. In fact, ink can get used up so fast that it can get VERY expensive very fast if you don t watch your printing.

      .Let s take a look at a fictional character name Sarah. If you are someone who does a lot of printing, you know that ink cartridges can get used up very fast...So, this is what you do.

      Now that both Sarah & you are armed with these tips, both of you can use your savings for more constructive purposes. So, what you need to do is take a look printer cartridges that work for all the major printers but only cost a fraction of the price... You know what I found out? I found out that regular internal maintenance can extend a computer s life by 100 (or more) in some cases. This is one tip that I wish I d read 20 years ago. The longer you can extend your computer s life, the less money you ll be paying in the long run.


      But, like most computer owners, after investing her hard earned money, Sarah found that it isn t the end of the expenses.amazing, isn t it? All that stuff can t be good for any machine, can it? Get rid of it & close up your machine & take it back inside.After losing computer after computer to dust, dirt & grime, one day I decided to do a little research. Hard drives can fail due to overuse & rewriting of disk space (sometimes you write over sections of hard drives that have previously been used). It cost roughly $1,000, but Sarah loves the new technology. Learn how to defrag your hard drive

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  •   With a background of art history and musicology, which has enriched her horizons, Ritu Kumar's understanding of ancient designs and the innovative use of traditional crafts has created a new classicism. Most importantly, she has demonstrated that handmade products can be as profitable as and even more glamorous than that of machine, and that Indian fashion is more than capable of holding on it's own in the international arena of haute couture.

      Ritu, who began her work with four hand-block printers and two tables, in a small village near Calcutta thirty years ago, was the first woman to introduce the 'boutique' culture in India under the brand name 'Ritu'. Her couture is readily recognizable by its classicism, beauty and glove knitting machine finesse.

      Ritu has gone a long way to redefining the term 'fashion' in the Indian context. This very aesthetic is the factor central to the Indian handwriting which underlies her creations.

      In sync with these evolving trends, in April 2002, Ritu Kumar launched her new sub brand, 'LABEL'. This brand has a universal appeal aimed at today's mobile lifestyle.fashionmoksh. This is a reflection of modern and global trends that shape our lives today. It is a modern offering, focusing on the cut, color, drape and feel of the garment.

      Ritu Kumar's range of western and Indian apparel is all about traditions and individual talent, and women across the continents can easily identify with her vision of design. The Indian influence on contemporary wear is unmistakable. It is fashionable, affordable and like all Ritu Kumar products, it is of the highest quality. Within fashion, Indian techniques have increasingly commanded a premium for their creativity, style and finish. 'LABEL' cater today's woman, who is increasingly independent, discerning and global. Ritu holds the status of a revivalist in the Indian fashion industry, which has successfully bridged the gap between traditionalism and modernity.Ritu Kumar is one of India's foremost designers, who have developed a unique style of their own, reflecting the ancient traditions of Indian craftsmanship in a contemporary fashion. Her design philosophy is based on the premise that everything founded on good aesthetic, cuts across all borders-be they geographical, cultural or otherwise. As the world truly becomes a global village, more and more of the elements that make up modern culture are taking on rich hues and ethnic tones. Pluralism is the mantra, while tastes are fast becoming eclectic, be it in music, arts, food or fashion.

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  •   If you have places in the house that you don t want your guests to venture into, then use black light reactive rope to keep them out of those specific areas. If you want to take it a step further, use glow in the dark paint that is invisible or clear when it is exposed to light. This party is guaranteed to light them up!

      Start your black light party excitement by making glow in the dark invitations.

      You might also consider using a bubble machine. This will necessitate your guests reading the invitations in the dark, to find out all the fun details. For example, lime green shoelaces or a pink fluorescent hat would certainly stand out in a crowd. For added fun, be sure to have plenty of glow sticks on hand for everyone to use throughout the party. If need be, cover your windows with black butcher paper to keep all hints of light out of the room. Use black construction paper or cardstock and write all of your party info with glow in the dark markers, paints, or ink. Therefore, if at all possible, it is best to hold this type of party at night.

      Decorate your party room with lots of white or neon colored streamers, balloons, curling ribbons, and confetti so they all glow when the black lights are on.

      For best results, you will want to hold your party room in a pitch black room. Prepare this type of invitation on white cardstock to set off the glow even more so. Say something like, A Glowing Message Awaits You or Glowing News Enclosed.

      Start out by defining your party area. For a really fun addition, add a fog machine.

      Hang various sized disco balls and strobe lights from the ceiling for added black light party pizazz!

      Be sure your guests wear as much white or neon colored clothing and accents as possible. Be sure to bring out your guests natural glow by adorning them as they arrive with glow in the dark leis, necklaces, bracelets, hats, etc.

      Replace all of the light bulbs in the party room with black lights; the more, the better. Use regular ink on the envelope and give them a clue, so they don t think they just received a blank piece of paper. This is a perfect add on to a black light party. This will enhance the eerie glow of the room and add to the thrill of it all.

      Hope these ideas help to get your creative juices flowing! Pick and choose, and add to the above, and your black light party will surely be a glowing good time!

      . Fill it up with glowing tekno bubble solution, then all it will spew out will glow in the dark.A Black Light Party is one of the coolest looking and most fun to attend parties socks machine china for both tweens and teens alike.

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  •   The United States Federal Reserve Bank just can't help itself. It has an apparent love for bubbles, bubbles, bubbles. As soon as one bubble shows signs of deflating the Fed gets busy and creates another.

      First it was the Dot Com bubble that was created by the then Chairman of the Fed, the one and only maestro bureaucrat, Alan "Bubbles" Greenspan of irrational exuberance fame. What a spin master. It was Mr. Greenspan whose actions largely created the bubble during the Asian currency crisis of 1997 and 1998. World financial markets were flooded with liquidity as Alan and the Fed panicked and turned on the cheap credit money making machines to flank speed, damn the consequences.

      The consequences made a lot of people think that they were rich. At least for a while. Who would have thought that a great deal of that excess liquidity rammed into financial markets would find its way into the stock market and fuel the Dot Com bubble? Certainly not Alan Greenspan. What an era. Twenty something hip techies with a business plan jotted down on a napkin could raise billions over a three martini lunch.

      Well, it was fun while it lasted. The downside wasn't so pretty as investors and hard working people who had invested in their companies 401K plans suddenly found the value of their holdings not only approach zero but in some cases hit zero, all within a year or two after the Fed created bubble popped.

      After the 9/11 tragedy the socks knitting machine Fed once again panicked. This time our esteemed Bubbles guy, good old Alan, brought rates down to 1% and kept them there for a very long time. Oh boy! Another bubble is created. This time a good bit of that excess cheap money found itself into real estate markets. Up , up and away prices went. After all home prices can only go up and up and especially in California, and Florida, and Las Vegas, Nevada, then go up some more, right?

      What a party, an orgy really. Homeowners across the nation, thinking they were rich, began to suck billions and billions out of their homes in the form of lines of credit and home equity loans secured by the homes that were increasing in value in the bubble real estate market at the rate of 15%, 20%, 25% and more a year.

      This was a great game. You could use your home like an ATM machine and run out and buy a new SUV and a huge flat screen TV. And millions of Americans did just that and more. Surprise, surprise. The combination of larger loan amounts using homes as security and a mass spending spree has caused Americans to now have less equity in their homes than ever before. And this dubious record was achieved during a boom period mind you.

      Zoowie! Now that was a really fun party. Its creation lead directly to the sub prime mortgage bubble expansion and the derivatives boom. Party on dude!

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